At Apollo Contractors we are proud to boast a wide variety of very happy clients, suppliers and partners alike.
Our attention to detail in every aspect of our service provision – from initial contact with potential clients, the planning of future projects with bespoke needs in mind, the provision of optimised installations, taking into account the nature of the client, specific requirements and delivering the best value for money… and our excellence in ongoing client services.
We are frequently cited by suppliers as examples of ‘best practice’, our reviews speak for themselves and the fact we receive more ‘word of mouth’ referrals than any comparable business in our region, speaks to our reputation in our industry.
But dont take our word for it, read on for more examples of our work, our testimonials and of course our independent reviews. Then take advantage of our non-obligation site visit to advise you as to your next course of action regarding safeguarding your finances by virtue of more secure energy prices ongoing.
Contact us here.